


所在地  東京都荒川区
家族構成 夫婦+子供1人+Lovot
竣工   2023年10月
構造規模 鉄筋コンクリート造11階建ての8階部分
延床面積 113.25m2(34.25坪)
改修面積 113.25m2(34.25坪)
設計監理 設計事務所アーキプレイス
施工   セキグチホームテック


This is a full renovation of a 40-year-old apartment. In addition to a living room where the family can relax while playing board games and watching DVDs, the couple also needed a new room for the children, separate rooms for remote work, a place to immerse themselves in their hobbies, and a place to display and store a large amount of belongings such as DVDs, records, hobby goods, rare books, and documents. The plan was to use sliding doors and minimize partitions to allow natural breezes to flow when the windows are opened, and to create a flow of movement around the bathroom and toilet water areas and the closet storage. The walls were effectively used by dividing them into visible and hidden storage, and ample storage space was secured with consideration for future increases. A double-glazed resin window was added to the inside of the existing single-glazed aluminum sash window, and the insulation performance of the exterior wall was also improved. The room is made of solid cedar flooring that is soft to the touch and allows you to roll around on the floor, and there is a faint, soothing fragrance in the air.









































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