所在地 千葉県
家族構成 ご夫婦+子供2人+愛犬+愛猫4匹
竣工 2019年3月末
構造規模 木造2階建(在来構法)
敷地面積 247.44m2
建築面積 146.92m2
延床面積 185.96m2
設計監理 設計事務所アーキプレイス
構造設計 構造設計スタジオシエスタ
施工 かしの木建設株式会社
床暖房 Izena・アクアレイヤー
備考 充填断熱通気工法
コーディネート OZONE 家design
写真 大沢誠一(OS)+Archiplace(AP)
A courthouse where you can live with your cats and dogs, cherishing each person's time
This home for a family of four and their pets was designed with the theme of being "a cozy home with high functionality and efficiency, no unnecessary storage space, and where each family member can cherish their hobbies and time while living with their pets (dogs and cats)." The building is a courthouse with a courtyard and a single story, making it possible to continue living a safe and secure barrier-free life that will not be affected by changes in the surrounding environment in the future.
The cats and dogs can play in the courtyard without worry, and the cats can freely go back and forth to the cat terrace on the second floor using the catwalk in the living room.